Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A Look At The 2000's

Politically, I have to agree with Reason. Worst decade ever. At the end of it I feel a sense of dread, not hopefulness as one might expect. On other fronts, the decade wasn't the worst for me and mine. Our family has grown and prospered and, despite an economy ravaged by politicians, banksters and others of that ilk. I'm not likely to whip out a crystal ball and prognosticate where the next decade is concerned, but it doesn't look like it's going to shape up to be much better. The political scenery is unlikely to change much and the economy isn't getting better, as the politicians are trying to make us believe. Shoot the commercial real estate debacle hasn't even started to unwind yet. As for the seemingly endless and futile wars, they're going to be continuing for many years. That's how government maintains their health. Those conflicts will still be being waged when our children are of an age to be part of that continuing mess. Whatever the future portends we'll do as we always do around here. Hold on tight and see where the ride takes us.

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