Well, the national debt has reached a staggering $18.2 TRILLION and shows no signs of decreasing. Each of us, unwilling slaves to that debt, now owe $154,161. Most of us couldn't afford to pay our "fair share" of that number even if they came and confiscated all of our yearly earnings and left us thoroughly skinned.
The congress, for all their talk of being fiscally responsible republicrats have managed to slow our economy and hasten the demise of the shrinking middle class with their spending on their pet projects and lobbyist masters in various industries. Their democrat buddies have been no better, saddling us with historically high levels of social spending. And the president shows no signs of that he won't sign spending that comes across his desk. None of these cretins has anything approaching the best interests of this country and its future in mind. They simply do not care about anything but their partisan politics and appeasing their monied constituencies and masters.
We have reached the point where pumping the brakes is not even nearly enough. Slowing the accrual of further debt is untenable. The brakes must be applied and the course reversed, if we are to avoid catastrophe. The debt currently stands at 102.6% of GDP and is going to rise to more than 105.7% by 2019, by some estimates. I have no faith that it won't be higher than current estimates, because no-one within the DC Beltway has any intentions of actually cutting spending and ridding us of this onerous debt that they have accrued in our name with their endless programs, conflicts and cronyism.
This is a drum we libertarians must be beating. The two wings of the Boot On Your Neck Party have shown their clear intention to continue business as usual, using us and our economy as their personal piggy banks to fund their draconian dreams. Their avarice, where our money and future are concerned, knows no bounds. We must, somehow, force these political robber barons to cease their spending. They must all be replaced with people who will actually act as stewards of the nation, its economy and our future, not as masters within their own petty fiefdoms. I would encourage any reader to forward the linked article, or this one, to their representatives, if I thought it would make any difference, but I fear we are beyond that point. The people who are robbing our children and grandchildren of their futures have no interest in having their crimes pointed out to them. They are safe in their partisan electoral havens and the people who continue to put them there are seemingly oblivious to the coming train wreck. Perhaps all we can do is take some small measures to soften the blows for ourselves, as we continue to cannonball towards the inevitable.
Best of luck to everyone. We're going to need it.
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
You Don't Own That Tractor

Monday, April 20, 2015
Happy 4/20 Day To All Those Folks That Indulge
Here's a little something to get your 4/20 day toes a tapping. Two highly successful potheads still rocking it after decades of partying. They're letting their liberty flag fly and not caring who knows it.
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Having It Both Ways
The government is, as they often are, schizophrenic in their dealings with cannabis. They make it illegal for everyone but themselves and continuously beat the prohibitionist drums to in an attempt to make their case. Then they go and file a patent for certain cannabinoids so they'll have control of them, should they ever decide to reschedule cannabis from not medically useful to medically useful. They're deliberately trying to interfere with already existing businesses who've already done the yeoman's work on medical cannabis. They want to rake in the money and make businesses that have already been doing the development and research pay them for the privilege of existing. Here's hoping this patent nonsense gets slapped down and the government is told to take a back seat. You really can't have it both ways.
An interesting note, the woman featured in this video, Shona Banda was recently arrested after her child corrected a school indoctrination officer about medical cannabis. She has lost custody of her children and is awaiting trial for using her life saving medicine.
Here's a look at the patent.
An interesting note, the woman featured in this video, Shona Banda was recently arrested after her child corrected a school indoctrination officer about medical cannabis. She has lost custody of her children and is awaiting trial for using her life saving medicine.
Here's a look at the patent.
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